How to make money on ClixSense: Referrals

Completing tasks, filling out surveys, seeing ads, playing the ClixGrid game will give you income, but if you want to make more money on ClixSense, you need referrals. What are referrals and how do I get them?

Referrals on ClixSense

You can invite more people to join and participate in ClixSense, and every time they make money by the normal activities, you get something too. People who join invited by you are known as your “referrals”.

ClixSense has no limit on the number of referrals that you can have, if 1,000 people join under you, then you get part of what those 1,000 are earning.

You also make money from your referrals:

  • Sign-up commission – If your referral makes $10 you get $1 as standard, or as premium if your referral makes $5 you get $2.
  • Buying ads – If you referral buys normal ads or ClixGrid ads, you get 10%, up to $1 as standard or $2 as premium.
  • Premium Membership Upgrade – If your referral upgrades his account, you get $1 as standard or $2 as premium

What is more, with the premium membership, which cost only $17 for a year, you earn from membership upgrades up to 8 levels.

This means, you earn $2 from upgrades of who you invite, $1 from upgrades of who they invite, $1 from upgrades of who they invite, and so on up to 8 levels below you. $2 from your direct referrals, $1 from the referrals of your referrals.

Yeah, I got it, what do I do?

What I always recommend is to use one of the Splash pages that ClixSense has available for you, and then promote that link:

To access them:

  1. Go to Affiliates
  2. Click on Splash Pages

You have two of them available:

ClixSense Splash Pages
ClixSense Splash Pages

I normally use “Clouds” to promote, unless I have my own landing/splash page, then I send to “Signup” as I already spoke about ClixSense.

Simply copy the link at “Your special affiliate link for this Splash Page:”, my link looks like:

This is the link that you can share, either via ads, or to your friends, or in a Traffic Exchange, for example in EasyHits4U:

How to promote ClixSense in EasyHits4U

More guides to come, in more Traffic Exchanges, for example in Traffic Monsoon, or in PTC Systems, for example NeoBuxScarlet ClicksBuxP and many many others…

ClixSense Banner

How to promote ClixSense in EasyHits4U

EasyHits4U is, in my opinion, the best Traffic Exchange, while ClixSense is, in my opinion, the best PTC System. I am going to focus in promoting either a splash page or a banner from ClixSense inside of EasyHits4U. The amount of new people joining EasyHits4U nowadays is huge.

Promoting A ClixSense Splash Page

Instead of promoting your affiliate link, that you can find in your profile, you can try one of the splash pages that ClixSense offers, they produce better results.

To access them:

  1. Go to Affiliates
  2. Click on Splash Pages

You have two of them available:

ClixSense Splash Pages
ClixSense Splash Pages

I normally use “Clouds” to promote, unless I have my own landing/splash page, then I send to “Signup” as I already spoke about ClixSense.

So lets promote clouds. Simply copy the link at “Your special affiliate link for this Splash Page:”, my link looks like:

Now in EasyHits4U lets go to “My Sites” > “Add a new site”

Add a new site in EasyHits4U
Add a new site in EasyHits4U

Lets fill in the link, put on a name to this item, and click on “Add Site”

Adding the new site in EasyHits4U
Adding the new site in EasyHits4U

After we click “Add Site” we need to wait 20 seconds for the site to be confirmed.

Site Confirmation at EasyHits4U
Site Confirmation at EasyHits4U

And we are done, we can add credits to the link and let it be promoted. Of course it needs to be displayed to a lot of people, but with all the new people getting into this world, it is only a matter of exposure.

Promoting a ClixSense Banner

We need two things here:

  1. The address we are going to send people to. You can select one of the Splash Pages as written earlier in this article.
  2. The image of the banner. We are going to choose a banner and get the address of it now.

In ClixSense, go to “Affiliates” > “Banners”. Then scroll down to the ones that are 468×60 in size, and there are 8 for you to choose. The banners in ClixSense, all pass the requirements of EasyHits4U in weight and format, so lets just proceed.

Choose the banner of your preference from the different options, I am going to use the first one as an example:

First Banner at ClixSense
First Banner at ClixSense

We are going to use the address of the landing page that we want, as discussed previously in this article, and the value of “Banner Link” of the banner that we prefer.

Now, in EasyHits4U, go to “My Banners” and once there click on “Add a new banner”. In the dialog that appears fill these two values, Splash Page link as Target Link and Banner Link as Banner file link. “Alt Text” is a text that will be displayed when someone scrolls over the banner, I highly recommend to write something on it.

Add a new banner in EasyHits4U
Add a new banner in EasyHits4U

There you go, you can put to good use those credits and banner impressions in EasyHits4U

What else can I do?

There are many strategies and resources for getting referrals under any system, one that I consider to be more successful is to Create a Splash Page at EasyHits4U.

But I will expand on the resources and techniques as the page advances, plus invite people who wants to collaborate. The reason I don’t promote my links globally is so people who wants can write an article and have his/her own referral links on it.

The Most Popular Traffic Exchange

ClixSense Banner

The Great Scam: How are you attracted to, and used in, the Bux sites

It is actually very simple. Yes, some people are making lots of money on them, but that is thanks to you…

Shredded Money

I have written before about how the Bux sites are for the most part scams, and you see them just popping up everywhere. Here is how it actually works:

  • A new Bux site appears.
  • People that already made a lot of money before, join the Bux site, and put a lot of money into it.
  • With the model being mostly a pyramid, more new people join and those who joined first get their money back and earn.
  • Now they can generate proofs of payment from that site, so they do.
  • Now they promote the site as a legitimate site that pays, and you are shown the screenshots with the payments and you are told that you can do that in that site because they did it.
  • Then you join, at the bottom of the pyramid.
  • You put in your time and some times your money, promote the site, log in every day, rent referrals, upgrade your account; the whole thing.
  • The system makes money, the person over you makes money, until the Bux site collapses because it is not sustainable, no value is being generated to justify the sites existence.

Despite the Bux in its name, BuxP is not a Bux site, it is a paid-to-click system, and a good one at that.

The one Bux site that has been around for a long time is NeoBux, but not in its original form, it went through several changes during its history. Now it is a combination of a Bux site with a PTC system with many additional activities to make an income. It is quite stable, and with appropriate rented referral management you can even reach financial freedom on it.

And I do try Bux sites, some have been around longer and you can see the person running them actually trying to make them into something more, for example Bux888.

But never put into them more money than the one you are willing to lose, because there is a chance you will lose it, as they come and go all the time and many are short-lived.

Paid-to-click, Traffic Exchange, Bux site, what’s the difference?

A basic run-down of the different concepts to make money online.

Money Online

Paid-to-click (PTC)

They are a middlemen between somebody who wants to sell or promote something online, and people wanting to make money online.

  • The advertiser pays the paid-to-click system and provides a link, typically a landing page for a product or a service.
  • The PTC system shows that page to the different users inside the system.
  • When the users see the promoted page of the advertiser, they are paid part of what the advertiser paid to the PTC system.

A member of the site can increase its earnings by inviting more people into the system.

A PTC system doesn’t limit the number of persons who can be under you, nor it forces you to look at ads every day. The cash to sustain the system is coming directly from the advertisers.

Examples of well-established PTC Systems are:

  • ClixSense – One of the best known Paid-to-click systems available today, operating since February 2007. Here is a guide about using its different ways to generate money.
  • BuxP – Despite the name “Bux” on it, it is an actual paid-to-click system.
  • get-paid – With many gamification features to make it more entertaining.
  • ScarletClicks – Operating since 2009.

Traffic Exchange

A different thing in the toolbox of making money online are the Traffic Exchanges. You see landing pages, you gain the ability to display your own.

They also sell advertising, so if you want to display your page(s) but not see ads, you can purchase credits and use them.

Traffic Exchanges usually have rewards for people seeing pages on them. They can pay for that with the advertising that they sell or with the Premium memberships of some members.

At least on EasyHits4U, my favourite and one of the oldest Traffic Exchanges, you get some good benefits with the Premium membership, such as more specific geographical targeting (Free members can target languages and countries, upgraded members can target regions inside countries), access to tools such as more Splash pages and more Site rotators (free members have them available, but they can not create as many), random referrals, extra credits and better rewards.

Some other Traffic Exchanges are:

  • Traffic Monsoon – A very popular site nowadays, although I must give a warning about it. It is still a good traffic exchange nowadays due to its popularity and the volume of new users to the world of making money online.
  • The ClickTrackProfit network. Many traffic exchanges are affiliated to it, the network provides badges to all of them.
  • The Cash Surfing Network. Another network with multiple traffic exchanges affiliated to it.

I still have a lot to cover in this website.

Traffic Exchanges are not good places to sell products, the conversion rate is extremely low. Many use them to build their mailing lists, then they use the mailing lists to sell the products.

Another common use is to promote new Bux sites, but more on it below.

Bux sites

I’ll make it short and clear: Short-lived Scams

All of them? About all of them.

Why? Because they don’t have a sustainable business model.

Bux sites will give you a guaranteed number of ads to click every day. Those ads are paid by them, and usually are used to promote their own things. They will offer you more by upgrading the account. And they will offer you to “rent referrals”.

But the revenue is not coming from advertisers as in the other cases, it is coming from you. You are “generating” money, and then giving it back to them to pay/extend/recycle rented referrals and to upgrade your membership.

I try some from time to time, for example I am currently using Bux888 because I feel that the owner is actually trying to get it right, I see how active he is on the forums and how open he is to suggestions from the members to make the site work, but the great great majority of the Bux sites are short-lived.

What is worst, some times one single person is running many of them, despite the owner having a history of opening these sites, getting money, and disappearing the sites.

I think the only exception, one that has lasted a very long time, is NeoBux. But it had to make changes during its history, now it is not just a Bux site, it has actual Paid-to-click, plus activities such as surveys, tasks and offers. It has now a sustainable business model, and has passed the test of time, I can’t say the same of any other Bux site.


Just be careful where you put your money and your time into. Don’t put, in any system online, more money than the one you are willing to lose, because there are no guarantees.

However, knowledge is a great defence against scams. The more you know, the more unlikely you are to lose money. And as this site continues, I will be talking a lot about strategies.

Is Traffic Monsoon a scam?

The situation with Traffic Monsoon has changed recently, so I am forced to release a Serious scam warning against Traffic Monsoon

About just everybody looking into make money online has seen or heard about Traffic Monsoon by now. Is it paying? Yes. Is there value on it? Yes. Is it a scam? Not at this point, but be careful with it.

Traffic Monsoon
Traffic Monsoon

I am changing my opinion on this post after reading a lot more about the business and the owner, who is seen by many as a serial scammer, including me not long ago.

And I am putting some of my money on it myself. It is a very valuable tool to reach people, and for that reason alone it has return my investment on it.

It is good due to it’s popularity right now. There are many who has been drawn into Traffic Monsoon who had no previous experience with Paid-to-click and revenue-sharing systems. The current crisis is also making many people look into ways to make an income online.

But for those who have been on this for a long time, we learned the hard way that if something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

According to my own statistical analysis, the system is sustainable as it is now; it is sharing revenue because it is generating a lot of it thanks to users buying ads, and the 110% return of investment when you purchase an AdPack to display your banners is effective.

So, who owns Traffic Monsoon and what is the history?

The owner’s name is Charles Scoville. He has run a number of sites such as; sites that no longer exist. Some of the things that should trigger a huge warning, not just here but in PTC Systems in general:

  • The biggest promoters with hundreds of direct referrals began to get suspended, to avoid paying them and sell their referrals to other members.
  • Members began to get suspended for no reason, and then they were charged $25 to remove the suspension.
  • Pending cash-outs got converted to membership upgrades.
  • The support page and the forum got removed.

He also owns the site, not to be confused with the advertising company AdHitz. Another initiative that is still ongoing.

So what is the deal here?

In previous systems that he had, he ran into problems with Payza for example, which resulted in he not paying on time.

This made a lot of people mistrust him, including me. And I came up heavy on him. But I have been working online long enough to know that some times things get messed-up, so I have been watching.

Regarding Traffic Monsoon, so far I don’t have a single complaint. No transfer to PayPal has ever been delayed, purchased AdPacks have come back at 110%, and the 20 clicks to the promoted banners have been effective and have turned into conversion.

And the other factor why I am actually changing my initial opinion, is that he now has a son. I see all the motivation to get a system functional, and so far, this one is very functional.

Are there other alternatives to Traffic Monsoon?

There are a few, among them:

  • ClixSense – A PTC System with many ways to make money such as surveys, tasks and offers.
  • NeoBux – There is a way to make a living out of it, but it takes a long time and some strategy to build. This is a long-term strategy, not a quick-money one. I’m still working on the guides and strategies and a statistical analysis tool.
  • EasyHits4U – My favourite Traffic Exchange. Online since 2003, with almost a million members, good tools available (Splash pages, Site rotators, Geo-targeting) and some gamification features that can make the site addictive.

Foot note

Any “revenue-sharing” system, in order to not be a scam, needs to generate actual revenue to share. Otherwise, it is a pyramid-scheme: it takes money from the people below to be given to the people above, until it crumbles and everybody below gets screwed.

The 110% revenue sharing of Traffic Monsoon is not by any means unreasonable. It is not like you put $50 inside the system, sit down doing nothing, and you get $55 back the next week.

You still need to log-in and see ads every single day for quite a while before you get back the $55; you stop seeing ads, you stop getting revenue share.

ClixSense: What it is, How it works, and How to make money on it

ClixSense is one of the best known Paid-to-click systems available today. Operating since February 2007, the site has close to 5 million members and it is still going strong, and it always pays.


You have many activities available on the site to make money, enough to make a living off the site alone. But it is not free money; you do things in ClixSense, you get paid.

How do I make money in ClixSense?

Here is how you do it:

And you can increase your earnings:

And if you want to earn big:

  • Referral Program – You receive a lot of benefits for inviting people to ClixSense

But that is not all:

I will write later on about strategies to get referrals, for example How to promote ClixSense in EasyHits4U

Also how to manage campaigns (as ClixSense allows you to track what works and what doesn’t) and other tips about this, but it is beyond the scope of this introduction to ClixSense. My objective is not that people just joins ClixSense; it is that people can get a benefit from it.

ClixSense Banner

How to make money on ClixSense: The ClixSense Daily Checklist

ClixSense rewards active members in many ways. One of them is a checklist, that if you complete in the day, you will get an extra bonus to whatever money you made during the day from your activities. Up to 16% for Premium members, up to 7% for Standard members.

ClixSense checklist
ClixSense checklist

The things that count for the Daily Checklist:

  • View PTC Ads – At least 6 of them.
  • ClixGrid – Try at least 20 times.
  • Complete 10 tasks, or 5 tasks and 1 survey/offer, or 2 surveys/offers.
    Technically speaking, a survey is an offer.
  • Visit the forum

If you complete all of the activities, your receive your earnings plus 12% as Premium member, or your earnings plus 5% as Standard member.

You have two extra bonuses on top of this:

If you ran the ClixAddon browser extension for at least one hour that day, you get an additional 1% bonus as Standard member or 2% as Premium member.

If you completed the checklist three days in a row, you get an additional 1% bonus as Standard member or 2% as Premium member.

The maximum total bonus that you can get is then 16% as a Premium member, and 7% as a Standard member. Once again, this is a bonus for the earning from your activities only, this bonus does not apply to the money that you obtain from your referrals.

ClixSense Banner

How to make money on ClixSense: The ClixAddon browser extension

PTC Ads, Survey invites and Tasks come and go all the time, but you don’t have to live checking ClixSense, ClixSense has a handy browser extension to keep track of your account details (such as balance) and get notified when anything new becomes available to you.

ClixAddon browser extension

The extension is available for Google Chrome 30+, Firefox 29+ and Opera 15+, and you can download it here:

You can get a bonus in the ClixSense daily checklist by having the ClixAddon running for at least an hour a day, but only if the notifications for Surveys are enabled on it.

Given that filling out Surveys provide a good income in ClixSense, I believe the normal behavior is to have ClixAddon running all the time precisely to get Survey notifications on it. But you can control it by opening the add and and going to Options.

ClixAddon Options
ClixAddon Options

ClixSense Banner

How to make money on ClixSense: Offers

ClixSense has partnered with multiple companies to monetize and promote systems and services. This translates to ClixSense users as offers. They may include signing-up to a new service, watch a video, install a mobile app, fill out a survey and even playing a game.

Offers in ClixSense
There are many Offer providers that work with ClixSense

Some offers are about buying something, but the majority of offers are completely free.

Completing Offers can help you fulfil the daily checklist. You need to either complete 10 tasks, complete 5 tasks and an offer/survey, or ignore the tasks completely and complete two offers/surveys.

ClixSense Banner

How to make money on ClixSense: Surveys

A good source of income in ClixSense is to participate in Surveys. ClixSense is associated with different platforms that companies can utilize to obtain information about people’s preferences.


Before you start with the surveys, begin by filling your Survey’s Profile.

Survey's Profile

The surveys usually attempt to obtain information from specific segments of the population. If you want to have surveys available to you then you need to provide some information about you.

Once your Survey’s Profile has been completed, you can, more than once a day, check the different survey providers. They don’t have surveys available always, but very often new surveys are added.

Completing Surveys can help you fulfil the daily checklist. You need to either complete 10 tasks, complete 5 tasks and an offer/survey, or ignore the tasks completely and complete two offers/surveys.

ClixSense Banner