TrafficHurricane, the new scam/fraud from the TrafficMonson team

It has been a long time since I wrote anything about TrafficMonsoon in the site. In the mean time TrafficMonsoon completely dissapeared, taking with them all of those promised payments. But they are back, and now the name is TrafficHurricane. Be very careful with investing on it…


What is TrafficHurricane and what was TrafficMonsoon?

TrafficHurricane and TrafficMonsoon are promoted as revenue-sharing systems, you invest some money on Ads, you look at Ads, and the money that you put on it begins to accumulate until it becomes slightly higher than the original investment. In here you put in USD$50 and it comes back after a couple of months as USD$55 which you can then withdraw.

Of course it has also a component of Multi-level marketing: you invite people, you get part of the money that they generate. You basically get the same amount for one click that they make than for one click that you make. And there is only one level of referrals from which you get money.

Why is it a Scam?

At the start of it, you actually do get the money. I did invest some in TrafficMonsoon and I did get to cashout a couple of times.

But then problems appear that make it impossible to cashout. The person who ran TrafficMonsoon (and who very likely is running TrafficHurricane although his name is nowhere there) is/was Charles Scoville, and he has been a serial PTC scammer. He does the exact same thing always, he opens a PTC site, pays at the start and people joins and invest, then problems start and nobody can cashout, then the sites vanish.

That is exactly how it went with TrafficMonsoon, and I think that is how TrafficHurricane will go also. TrafficHurricane doesn’t even count with PayPal support, he probably got banned from there and this is one of the reasons that make me believe it is still the same guy.

Is it completely uselesss?

It is not, it still has some value as a place to advertise things, in TrafficMonsoon I did like the banner advertising, you pay, and they are shown until they are clicked 20 times, I even got some referral signups from there in other networks such as ClixSense and NeoBux.

But TrafficMonsoon had an advantage that TrafficHurricane does not: an unbelievable amount of traffic of people new to the PTC world and to the world of making money online.

You can do try TrafficHurricane, but if you go in, know its history, and a word of advice:

Never invest something that you are unwilling to lose.

What are the alternatives?

As always, I suggest the two PTC networks that has been given me money without any issues:

The best in my opinion and something to get money fast: ClixSense. I wrote quite a few guides about ClixSense: What it is, How it works, and How to make money on it

And then there is also NeoBux, an opportunity, but not for everybody as it takes a longer time to build NeoBux into an income stream.

Full week of NeoBux AdPrize bonus and news about PTC Secret

Until September 26th at 19:00 server time, every Ad that you see at NeoBux will give you 5 opportunities to participate in AdPrize. and in AdPrize the more you play the more oportunities you have to win.

You can read more about AdPrize and your opportunities as both a user seeing Ads and an Advertiser at How to make money in NeoBux: AdPrize.

What about the site?

I disconnected a little from most of the PTC World as I was attending some business, I am still very focused in two networks though, NeoBux of which you can see the banner above, and ClixSense

As I repeat constantly, if you are not in these two networks, your PTC Experience may not be the best. There are more of course, but these two give something, in NeoBux I am at the point where I can cash-out something monthly.

In ClixSense however, I have already cashed out over $600 and I am not going too heavy on it, just a few activities here and there and some Ads, and I have win $10 in the ClixGrid game. I know $600 doesn’t sound like a lot, but it does make a difference.

I have the guide to all of the ClixSense activities, plus I still have the promotion where if you generate $17 for me which is the cost of a Premium membership I send you that to your PayPal account if you share with me your opinión about ClixSense.

Is that it?

Not at all, I have been collecting a lot of data from NeoBux and other networks, data that I am still analyzing so I can share some good information with you. I am also preparing material and ideas to get your own referrals, and I am working to start publishing guides about these networks from the point of view of an Advertiser for used properly these networks can give you some good opportunities and advantages.

As a user it is good to see how an advertiser looks at the networks so you can see where is the value coming from and how some times it is a very good idea to invest some of the earned cash or credits into Ads and get an advantage in an alternate networks.

How to make money in NeoBux: AdPrize

Rented referrals is only one of the things that NeoBux has to offer, but of course there is more than this. And one of those things is AdPrize.

NeoBux AdPrize
NeoBux AdPrize

What is AdPrize in NeoBux?

It depends of whether you are an Advertiser or a User seeing Ads.

As a user seeing Ads AdPrize is like a little jackpot or a lottery. By seeing Ads you get chances to play AdPrize, normally 4 although at the moment of writing this article you get 5 chances per Ad due to a promotion, promotions are not uncommon in NeoBux. (When AdPrize got introduced there were 2 chances to win per Ad but they have double the chances since then to 4).

Unlike regular Ads, these Ads are simpler, the Ad shows, and once it is done you get a “Next” button to get the next. It only takes sitting and clicking “Next” until your chances are gone. Once you click an Ad, you have 4 hours to use your earned AdPrize chances. That’s it.

Playing AdPrize
Playing AdPrize

As an advertiser AdPrize is extra promotional credit on top of the Ads that you buy. In some packs such as the Micro Exposure, you get as many AdPrize views as you get Micro Exposure views.

But in some packs such as the Extended Exposure, you get 19 times the views that you get in an Extended Exposure Ad in AdPrize Ads. So if you buy 250 Extended Exposure Ad views, you get 4750 AdPrize visualizations for your Ad. Also, thanks to the current promotion of AdPrize users get more AdPrize chances but the advertisers get 25% more views in AdPrize. So you get quite a lot of extra views on your Ads.

What can you win in AdPrize?

You can win NeoPoints, which can be used to either Extend or recycle Rented Referrals or to upgrade to Golden membership (or extend your Golden membership).

You can also win actual money, from a few cents (the lowest is $0.25 and it is really easy and common to win this one) to $50, this money goes into your Main Balance which can be directly cashout, or used to buy/extend/recycle rented referrals, or used to buy/extend your Golden membership.

Or you can win the full Golden membership (or if you already have it, it gets extended for another year), this has a value of $90. At the end of this you can see the full list of prizes.

What is the secret to Win in AdPrize?

Just try a lot. There is no hidden formula and no hidden strategy to win, simply the more you play it the more you win, if you play it a lot you are most certainly guaranteed of come across all of the possible prices. But I will not missguide you into thinking that you will come across them with a few games, it isn’t like that. Winning the large prices are like winning a lottery, only with realistic chances to win if you play enough.

List of Prizes and Advertising opportunities

NeoBux Possible AdPrize Prices

Golden Memberships


  • $0.25
  • $0.50
  • $1.00
  • $2.00
  • $5.00
  • $10.00
  • $25.00
  • $50.00


  • 10 NeoPoints
  • 100 NeoPoints
  • 1000 NeoPoints
  • 10000 NeoPoints

NeoBux AdPrize Advertising Opportunities

  • Micro Exposure. You get as many Ads in AdPrize as the ones in the Micro Exposure package. Example: 2,500 Micro Exposure Ads and 2,500 AdPrize Ads.
  • Mini Exposure. You get 4 times the Ads in AdPrize as the ones in the Mini Exposure package. Example: 500 Mini Exposure Ads and 2,000 AdPrize Ads.
  • Standard Exposure. You get 9 times the Ads in AdPrize as the ones in the Standard Exposure package. Example: 250 Standard Exposure Ads and 2,250 AdPrize Ads.
  • Extended Exposure. You get 19 times the Ads in AdPrize as the ones in the Extended Exposure package. Example: 250 Extended Exposure Ads and 4,750 AdPrice Ads.

How do Rented Referrals work in NeoBux

Seeing Ads in NeoBux is a job, only the payment is so so low that nobody is going to waste their time seeing Ads for next to nothing. It would take you to see tens of thousands of Ads to live off it. To have people motivated to do it every day, there must be a system that rewards those who commit to seeing Ads. And here is where the “Rented Referrals” come in.

Rented Referrals in NeoBux
Rented Referrals in NeoBux

This “Rented Referral” system is one of the most confusing parts of NeoBux. It is also the feature that those “Bux” sites which are basically scams pretend to imitate, but there is only one system where this works, and that is why there is a massive amount of scams pretending to have the same.


Two things:

  • NeoBux is legit. It pays, it’s solid, it has been around since 2008.
  • The Rented Referrals system works In NeoBux!

But it is confusing and many people don’t get it right. They use it incorrectly and loss money. And that turns into articles and sites about how NeoBux is a scam or a fraud. And given that every other Bux site pretending to have Rented Referrals is indeed a scam or a fraud, it is not surprising to consider NeoBux one as well.

But it is a functional system. To use it first you have to understand it, and my philosophy is that if you get into something, you should really get into that something or don’t waste any time on it, for time is what you have that is valuable.

Understanding the “Rented Referral” system in NeoBux

What is NOT the Rented Referral system?

  • Free Money
  • A get rich quick scheme

And that is exactly how nearly everyone tries to sell you NeoBux. Many jump in only to realize that it is not that, and quit. The great majority of people joining NeoBux won’t last long.

To turn NeoBux into a stable stream of income is going to take dedication and time. And some investment would make the process a lot faster, but even with a huge investment it would take years for your investment to return.

You get rented referrals, you see the daily Ads, you recycle inactives. And you do this every day, for years (at least see the required Ads to get profits, the recycling can not be daily, just frequently). To profit from your rented referrals you only need to see the Fixed advertisements, 5 with a standard membership, 9 with a Premium membership.

Eventually the system grows to a point in which a person getting started with NeoBux looks at the numbers and see them as impossible or as just a fantasy. But it is not that it is impossible to accomplish, it is that it is impossible to accomplish from one day to the next, it takes time and good handling of the account.

Traffic from NeoBux is good traffic. If you are promoting something there is value in getting the people from NeoBux to see it. I have buy Ads from there, from my balance or from my pocket, and I am happy with the traffic. As long as that is true then there is value being generated by NeoBux.

So how do I make money from the Rented Referral system in NeoBux?

Whether you invest money or not, and whether you are a new user or a veteran one; the way to handle the rented referrals in NeoBux is basically the same:

  • Extend the rented referrals for 240 days, or 150 days as a minimum.
  • Have a recycling policy, and be willing to modify it if it is not working properly. This is critical.
  • The rented referrals will go inactive, almost all of them, because it is people like you and I.

Even I got my account closed a pair of times for inactivity, this is my third account, and it is working now very well, but first I had to understand what was going on in NeoBux because I also failed to see how it worked.

The Bux sites, you can see how their rented referrals are fake because they are very very active, and usually a lot of them go inactive on the same day, and of course long before you get to cash-out so you need to put what you earned to recycle them. It is just a show. There aren’t even enough of them there. In NeoBux there are, and they go inactive, all the time, but not all of them at once, and a few of them last a very very long time.

My rented referral recycling policy is currently as follows:

  • If a new rented referral doesn’t make a single click for 7 days, I recycle it.
  • If a rented referral doesn’t make a click for 11 days and has less than 50 days with me, I recycle it.
  • If a rented referral doesn’t make a click for 12 or more days and doesn’t have a high average, I recycle it.
  • If the click average of a rented referral goes under 0.5, I recycle it.

This is an evolving strategy. Right now I am gathering enough data to improve that policy but it is still a work in progress, I will use statistical analysis to determine when is the best time to recycle, but for the moment that is my recycling policy and it has been working pretty good.

I am very good at MatLab and Octave, I will get that improved policy, and then I am going to share it =)

Tips and warnings if you are using NeoBux

If you invest money, don’t do this

Say, you put $100 into NeoBux.

You could across the course of a couple of weeks get 500 rented referrals.

But I would instead spend $20, get 100 referrals, and be recycling inactives until the time to extend those 100 referrals gets closer. Personally I have set up the auto-extend feature to 240 days, 3 days before they are up for recycling.

I would just leave the money there, or I would not have put the $100 at once in NeoBux and keep them around for when the time is right. Some times there are promotions where it is cheaper to extend the rented referrals and you would miss them if you have absolutely no funds to do anything.

A big mistake is to put money into NeoBux, and extend a lot of rented referrals that don’t need to immediately get extended. The strategy should be to rent referrals, and extend them for a long time, but not right away, have funds lying around.

And with this I mean, if you have a referral with 90 days left, there is absolutely no reason to get in and extend it 240 more days. Leave it be there, by the time you need to extend it it will probably have generated what you need.

Be patient, be very patient. And lets look at the actual numbers.

A good objective is to have a Premium membership, and 2,000 rented referrals. And it is achievable even with no investment, it just takes a lot longer.

Given that you can rent at most 100 every week, that would be 20 weeks before you can reach that number of referrals. 20 weeks, or 5 months renting 100 referrals per week. And the cost would be USD$470 given the following price table:

Referrals Montly Price Price 1 month Price 8 months
0 to 250 $0.20 $50.00 $400.00
251 to 500 $0.21 $52.50 $420.00
501 to 750 $0.22 $55.00 $440.00
751 to 1,000 $0.23 $57.50 $460.00
1,001 to 1,250 $0.24 $60.00 $480.00
1,251 to 1,500 $0.25 $62.50 $500.00
1,501 to 1,750 $0.26 $65.00 $520.00
1,751 to 2,000 $0.27 $67.50 $540.00
Total $470.00 $3,760.00

* The price of $0.27 is for any referral beyond 1,750

So, if we were to keep the referrals for 8 months (about the 240 days) at the normal price the total cost of that one would be $3,769.00. And yes, the rented referrals can generate that easily, but the money left will not be that much.

But, if we extend for longer periods, lets look at the table with the prices:

Referrals 8 months no discount 8 months 25% discount 8 months 30% discount
0 to 250 $400.00 $300.00 $280.00
251 to 500 $420.00 $315.00 $294.00
501 to 750 $440.00 $330.00 $308.00
751 to 1,000 $460.00 $345.00 $322.00
1,001 to 1,250 $480.00 $360.00 $336.00
1,251 to 1,500 $500.00 $375.00 $350.00
1,501 to 1,750 $520.00 $390.00 $364.00
1,751 to 2,000 $540.00 $405.00 $378.00
Total $3,760.00 $2,820.00 $2,632.00

The difference is either $940 with a 25% discount or $1,128 with a 30% discount. And that is not counting the days where there is an even bigger discount in rented referral extension, such as Halloween, Christmas, NeoBux‘s anniversaries.

Extension length Extension Cost Special Discount
Autopay 15% 15%
15 days 0% 0%
30 days 5% 8%
60 days 10% 12%
90 days 18% 20%
150 days 25% 27%
240 days 30% 32%

The point is, it can become profitable, and any money put into it would come back given the time.

But, if you put money into the rented referrals, and then forget about it, sooner or later about all of them would be inactive and your money would be lost. And this happens to many people and they go inactive.

The rented referrals generate more than enough to extend them, and to recycle them. On top of this we have the AdPrize, the offers, the tasks, and the direct referrals if you are into that, so Rented Referrals are not the only source of income in NeoBux, only one that can be built so you spend less than 5 minutes a day for a huge profit, and if you get the account to that point, you earned that profit, it is not a free hand-out, it is your reward for years of dedication to make NeoBux what it is.

What is the starting strategy if you can not invest or if you invest only a little

  • Get rented referrals, only a few
  • See the Ads and accumulate money to extend them for a long time
  • If you can not extend all of them for a very long time, extend some for just 15 days and extend as many as you can for 240 days
  • Accumulate points, some times they can save a referral, some times they can extend them during a promotion, they can even pay the Premium membership

Phase One

  • Get 300 rented referrals which is the maximum amount that you can get without a Premium membership
  • Get the 300 rented referrals extended for 240 days
  • Accumulate money or points for the Premium membership

Phase Two

  • Get the Premium membership
  • Get 2,000 rented referrals
  • Extend the 2,000 rented referrals for 240 days

Phase Three

  • Accumulate money
  • Keep the funds to keep the system alive and withdraw what is left


  • Go for the Ultimate Pack
  • Get 4,000 rented referrals
  • Just have fun with it. With the Ultimate Pack you can go over the 4,000 rented referrals limit, only they cost more and you need to rent using the rental queue, but how much money you can make with that is massive, plus you can automatically recycle recently acquired inactives at 7 days of being inactive, and there is a vacation mode where you don’t need to click the Ads. Also you get a lot of fancy new tools to manage that many referrals.

My actual numbers

I have 600 rented referrals right now. And all of them have been extended to 240 days. What am I actually getting with my recycle policy?

After recycling, I am left with about USD$4 a day. Recycling is between 50¢ to 80¢ a day. So, I’ll round it up at $4 to make the calculation as those are the actual funds that I am getting.

In 240 days I will end up with $960. And the extensions to 240 more days would be $697.2 (280+284+123.2). That leaves me with extra $262.2 in those 8 months, which I can either withdraw or use to get more rented referrals and extend them for 240 days.

So, the acquisition was $124.5, the extension without a promotion (I did use the Christmas and the NeoBux anniversary promotions on some, but I won’t count them here) was $697.2. That makes a total of $821.7 invested to get to this point. After every 8 months I get a net income of $262.2, so it would take basically 752 days before the investment gets recovered, 2 years before what I get is profit. (If I had put that money into the rented referrals system, which I didn’t, I just have been very active with mini-tasks, Ads and AdPrize).

And of course, the cost of the Premium account, $90 per year. So lets say that you if you put money into NeoBux it won’t actually turn into profit until after about 2 years and 8 months from the rented referrals. Once again, this calculation is only renting the referrals and doing nothing but seeing the Ads required to get a profit.

Why do I think it is worth it?

As I said many times in this site, NeoBux is not something to put quick cash in your pocket, for that try ClixSense instead, it has activities that pay faster. Or do some of the activities in NeoBux, specially the mini-jobs and the occasional survey that you can find in the offers, or get direct referrals.

The Rented Referrals at NeoBux is a long term strategy. And if you read the forum and the stories of those who are making massive amount of cash you will see that they invested and that it took them over two years of handling the account correctly for the investment to pay off and turn into profit. And they are very happy with the result.

Some extra notes

This article only deals with the rented referrals, nothing more. There are also the Ads, the AdPrize, the Offers, the Mini-jobs, the Direct Referrals, but this are only the numbers for the Rented Referral system, it is an extra but nothing more at the start in NeoBux.

But I will not mislead you into thinking that this is easy or that it takes a short time, it doesn’t, and the people with tens of thousands of referrals and making over a thousand dollars a month of pure profit are few, and they have been playing NeoBux almost since the foundation of it.

If every single person were playing the Rented Referrals game perfectly for years, the system would not be sustainable, it would collapse.

But so would the economy in the world if every single person were handling their personal finances perfectly for years, doing the numbers to determine whether a buy is a good investment or not.

But they don’t. This is a game, and in this game in order to be winners, there must be losers. And not everybody can win. The system of course is rigged to allow those who have more to get an advantage over those who have less. It is the same in videogames, it is the same in the economy of the world and it is the same in NeoBux. But just as you can still win a game through dedication and strategy, so you can win the game of money, and you can win NeoBux.

And understand this: you are reading this, the rest of the players aren’t, and this can give you the advantage that you need to get ahead and win where many fail.

Also think about this, wouldn’t it be nice if you had started doing NeoBux years ago? Wouldn’t it be fantastic? Well, that is exactly what you are going to think a few years from now. Whether you will be glad that you did start today or not is entirely up to you right now.

If you go for it, go for it. Play it like a game, but these days gamers play games seriously, with no economic reward at the end of it, NeoBux has one. If you think this is a waste of time, don’t try it, don’t do it, save your time and find another way. I don’t live of NeoBux right now, but I am having fun seeing the numbers grow, I like seeing the number of rented referrals grow, and I have gotten a little withdrawn because I like the feeling or I have use some of the money generated to buy publicity. You can you do this if you wish.

New promotion from PTC Secret for ClixSense

Earlier in the site I had the promotion where if you join ClixSense under me and generate the USD$17 that the Premium membership costs, I would give you the Premium account for a year.

Some notes on this:

You will very easily generate the USD$17 for you, specially if you do tasks or fill Surveys or take offers in ClixSense. But generating the USD$17 for me could take a while.

The other thing is that it cost only USD$15 for me to give you the Premium membership for a year.

After being in ClixSense for a little while, I have a new promotion that replaces the old promotion and I believe it will help a lot more than the previous one. Any member who joined under the old promotion and still haven’t get their Premium membership can instead choose this one.

The Promotion

If you generate USD$17 for me in ClixSense, I will send to your PayPal those USD$17, and I will pay the fee so you get exactly the USD$17. But, in order to get them, you need to write me what you think about ClixSense, your opinion will be publish either under your name o with a nickname, your choice.

Here is how it is going to work

Once I see that you crossed the USD$17, and I check every day, I will write you an e-mail to inform you that you did.

When you answer me, if you do, you will provide me with the PayPal address where you wish to receive your money (it is your money, you generated it, only I am not taking it for me), and what you think about ClixSense, which can be just a pair of lines if you wish. I will publish your opinion on this website, with either your name or a pseudonym that you choose (not offensive please). Your data will be private (although you can choose to have a link to your website, to a social media profile, or any other information).

Then you will have the USD$17 in your PayPal account. It may also be on Payza, Skrill, Neteller or even BitCoins if you request that and I have funds available there at the time, you can tell me on the e-mail where do you want to get the USD$17. It PayPay I always have funds if in other medium I don’t.

Why am I doing this? Aren’t I paying more than I get?

The purpose of this site is to help people, by either helping them stay away of scams, or by teaching how to use some of the systems. Not always I can dedicate as much time to the site as I wish, plus some of the things that I am preparing take research and a lot of time and math, but still, the purpose of the site is that.

So, lets do the math: if 100 people join and are active under me, the cost that I would have to pay is USD$82 in PayPal fees.

Wouldn’t I have to send actually USD$1,782?

You are making that money yourself, realize that. Only I am not taking that money for me, I am giving it back to you. To generate the USD$17 for me you will very likely make a couple of hundreds yourself, so the USD$17 will hopefully help you a bit, but you will be getting a lot more than that.

So, only if you get inside ClixSense, and make ClixSense work for you to the point that you generate that for me, only after that I would earn something from you by your activity in ClixSense. I said it once, I say it again, Your success is my success.

The first commentary, from a user from Venezuela, translated to English:

“My opinion about clixsense is that without a doubt is the best ptc that exists. I have tried many and the majority either I haven’t use them well or they don’t seem sustainable (some has been a failure), the complete opposite to clixsense
It took me only 3 weeks to obtain a level and from february to this day I have been able to produce a good amount in that period of time. Besides it is entertaining its different options such as clixgrid and more than anything the tasks that are interesting, very different one from the other. It is not monotonous as other ptc. The payments that I have requested I haven’t have inconvenients and every doubt that I made to clixsense’s support has been quickly and greatly answered.”
– Ismael Escobar

More things are coming to the site this summer, I want to show real functional ways to also get your own referrals, for referrals are a way to get to Financial Freedom. It takes a while to build your network, but in the end it is very worthy to learn to do so, we don’t have many other ways to be financially free nowadays, so lets work together on it.

Finantial Freedom: What it is, what it means, and how to use PTC to achieve it

Many people thinks that a lot of money comes first, and financial freedom comes after. But that is not the way it works, if it were, we would have lots of happy histories of lottery winners and not a lot of tragedies.

Financial freedom comes first, the lots of money comes after. Only when you have financial freedom you are free to explore and develop your talents, and if you develop skills in something that you are passionate about, you don’t even have to go after the money, the money will come to you.

But you won’t care, because you have reached a point where you don’t need that money to survive anymore. That will keep you away from bad offers, and from the temptation to spend it all at once and go back to square one.

The key to Finantial Freedom
The key to Finantial Freedom

Ok then, what is financial freedom?

Financial Freedom, also known as Financial Independence, means that you no longer need to work to survive. You no longer need to work to put food in your mouth and a roof over your head, or worry about the mouths and the heads of your family.

Financial freedom means that you are free to do what you want to do, regardless of whether that will put money in your pocket or not. That is freedom. It is freedom to be who you are not having to obey the commands of others or engage in activities that you dislike but “have to do, or else…”

Your age has nothing to do with this, it is all in the numbers. If you are less than 30 years old, you live with USD$100 a month, and you have different sources of income that do not require your participation; and this sources generate USD$101, then you have financial freedom. However, you may be spending $1,000,000 a month while getting $950,000, which means that you have to work to get those extra $50,000 a month. This means that you are not financially independent, you have to work and you are a few salaries away from complete bankrupcy.

If you are like me before (and not that long ago to be honest), this sounds like just a dream that is unreachable. But it is not, it is not unreachable but it is hard to achieve.

Why is it so difficult to achieve?

Because we have some weaknesses as human beings, and there is an entire industry dedicated to exploit our weaknesses.

Desire, ego… there are many things that, from a very early age, have been implanted on us. Via advertisements, via the society. They link our value as persons to what we own, and are given a set of things that we have to own or do in order to be worth anything.

Frustrated man at a deskWe are given idols who own a lot. And so, many want to be with them, while others want to be like them so the gender they feel attracted to will want to be with them. The “cool kids” at school are the ones with the fancy toys; and through advertising we got implanted that desire to own those things. So we hang out around them, even though some of those “cool kids” are spoiled assholes who see us as less than them.

And then we grow, we get in debt to own things that we don’t really need, then spend our adult lives working to keep the debt from growing out of control through interest; so we can get more debt and get to live. And don’t get me started in getting debt to study a career that we don’t get to use.

It works for some people, but that is not the point, some people also win the lottery, but chances are the lottery will not make a difference in your life…

So, how to achieve financial freedom?

First of all, you need to know how much are you spending monthly and in what.

Use pen and paper, or an Excel sheet. You don’t have Excel? LibreOffice is free as in speech and as in beer and allows you to have the same functionality of an Excel sheet. Or there is Google Drive with the same and in your browser. Or use a financial program if you are going serious about the control of your finances, I utilize KMyMoney, also free as in speech and free as in beer.

With that at hand, then there are three usual paths:

  • Keep your same monthly expenses, increase your income, save the extra income.
  • Keep your same income, reduce your monthly expenses, save the remaining money.
  • Do both, reduce your expenses and increase your income, save the extra money.

But there is one more way:

Keep your monthly expenses and your income, meanwhile build and grow a passive income.

What is passive income?

Passive income is money that you can get while you are sleeping, eating, playing or in the toilet. In other words, it’s money that comes to you whether you do something or not.

There are many sources of passive income:
Plant comming out of a pile of bills to represent passive income growth

  • A retirement pension at the end of your career, if you are lucky. These days young people are facing a world where this is not an option anymore.
  • Honoraries for a work of art you made. It could be a book, a song, things like that. A book, no matter the size, you only have to write it once.
  • Now thanks to the Internet you can either sell something online, or have a blog or a web site with ads. You write the articles once, you take the pictures once; then you put them online, and don’t think about it, something will come to you.
  • Building a network in a company with multilevel marketing. Be careful of scams and those systems known as “pyramid schemes”, they just take money from the last who join to give it to the first who join, then it collapses.

My advice, look at Amway, around since 1959 and they do make high quality products. It has been investigated as a pyramid scheme and it was found not to be one of those. These days it is one of the largest companies. If you want to build a network outside of the Internet, I advice this one, and if you contact me I can put you under some good sponsors who will coach you and give you good advice to go this way.

And Online… here is where the PTC networks find its place.

How can I use PTC networks to achieve financial freedom?

That’s why I am here. So to not make this entry even longer, I’ll resume the few steps, then I can expand later on, in further articles.

While the PTC Networks can give you an extra source of income, for example ClixSense with surveys and Mini-tasks, about all of them have a Multi-level marketing approach. They are not putting advertising everywhere, instead they have the users promoting the network, and they give rewards for doing so.

The reward is sharing with the people who invite others, part of the earning coming from the people invited by them.

It is a simple formula: you get a lot of people inside the network, and they use the network, then you get part of the earning by all of them.

But it is a little bit more than that, because the reality is that a lot of the people who gets invited won’t do much, so you need to keep inviting people until you come across the extraordinary, and it is hard to reach that point if you are not extraordinary yourself.

In the right networks you can reach financial freedom. You may become inactive at some point, get tired of doing it every day, but the people invited by you continue providing you with an income. The best in my opinion: ClixSense.

And then there is also NeoBux, an opportunity, but not for everybody.

But you are the key to unlock it.

I said it before: Not even the lottery is going to save you if you don’t change your mentality.

If you get money, the minute you get it, you will feel like buying things that you can live without. Don’t deprive yourself from absolutely everything, because you are alive and if you work you deserve to give you something. But take control of your desire to buy, that is how it will start.

Who gave your Gmail address to spammers?

When you are registering in different sites Online, you will see that spam begins to come into your e-mail account, that’s how it is. But if your e-mail account is from Gmail, there is a very easy way for you to see who gave away your Gmail address. Here I also show you how to filter a tainted e-mail address.

How can I know who shared my Gmail address?

When you register with your Gmail address, after your username add a plus sign and a word, for example:


instead of just


Once you get your e-mail, everything will work and look normal, you will get the confirmation link, the information, everything. However, you can go into the details to see to who the e-mail was actually sent to:

Gmail where it came from
Gmail where it came from

Do you want to test it? Join my mailing list ^_^, I am not currently sending e-mail from it yet until some things that I am working on are ready, but there will be promotions to share your links, information that will not be made public, and even promotions to earn prizes in cash.

Why does this help? Because if your e-mail is given away to spammers, it will be given as you gave it, so if you registered with, then you will see spam coming precisely to that address. Use a different +subaddress for every site that you register to, and you will know which of those sites was the one from which the spammers got the address from.

Fine, but, how can I filter e-mails sent to this tainted address?

As nice as it is to see who gave away your address, it doesn’t help if you can not filter the e-mails coming to it. So lets create a Gmail filter:

Open “Settings” in the options menu:

Gmail Settings
Gmail Settings

Go to “Filters and Blocked Addresses”:

Filter and Blocked Addresses Gmail
Filter and Blocked Addresses Gmail

Then go to “Create a new filter”:

Create a new filter Gmail

And here just fill the tainted e-mail address in the “To” field, then click on “Create filter with this search”.

Filter the service who gave away your e-mail
Filter the service who gave away your e-mail

And finally you decide what to do with it, either send the e-mails to the spam folder, delete them, mark them as read so you don’t get unread e-mail notifications, your choice. Personally, I delete them if I don’t care about the service. However, if you need to reset your password in that service in the future or have communication remember to stop deleting them, you can instead send them to spam and/or mark them as read so you don’t lose anything.

And that’s it for this small guide, later on I will publish how to do this with e-mail services that allow you a “catch-all” option.

NeoBux vs TrafficMonsoon

When it comes to these two networks, there are huge differences between the two of them:

NeoBux vs TrafficMonsoon
NeoBux TrafficMonsoon
It gives you money It gives you excuses
Online over 8 years Online over a year
Sustainable business model Unsustainable business model
Pays when promissed “Pending Account Balance”
PayPal available PayPal not available
Offers, Tasks available Offers, Tasks not available
Rented+Direct referrals Only direct referrals
Forum available and active No forum
Not a Scam Scam/Ponzi scheme

A lot of misconceptions surround NeoBux thought. TrafficMonsoon promised you revenue share, in which you put in money, you get more money back, and people coming from TrafficMonsoon get into NeoBux expecting to get the same deal. But NeoBux doesn’t work like that.

NeoBux is not a fraud, it is not a scam, but it is not something that gives you free money from doing absolutely nothing. You have to invest, at least time, money is optional but highly advisable. And then use NeoBux correctly. If you do that, then you can build a nice future.

How do I use NeoBux?

I wrote a little about it some time ago at NeoBux: Is it a scam or not? And if it is not, how do I use it?, which was a very basic overview, followed by Why you should NOT get into NeoBux to make money, where I talk about how the failure in NeoBux sometimes comes down to the people using the system and not to the system itself.

I don’t want to give you an unrealistic expectation or a false promise, that is not what this site is here for.

Can someone make money out of NeoBux?


Will it take time/money/effort to do it?

Yes, it will, and anyone who tells you differently is lying to you.

Do I know how to do it?

I do. So buckle up, we are going for a ride in the next few articles. And we are going to see numbers and times so if you go for it, you will know what to expect, and you will know how to handle it to grow your money for real.

I’m still building the mailing list, it is not ready but when it is and I have enough people registered I will share information that I won’t share here publicly, make some of the tools I make available, open up oportunities to share your links, and make small contests for you to win some extra cash. So feel free to join 🙂

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The Unrealistic Expectations that will ruin your PTC experience

There is a lot of money circulating around the Paid-to-Click (PTC) world, and on top of it, the opportunity to sell a wide variety of products in the networks without you having to sell them face to face. But that idea that most people is trying to sell you: that you can just sit, click a few things, and become wealthy; it doesn’t work like that.

Welcome to the real world of PTC. You can succeed, just don’t waste your time, that is your most valuable asset.


The reality of referrals

Say that you do get a couple hundreds of referrals, people who join the networks under you. That will happen if you are active long enough and using the right approaches to get them.

They will not be very active, and many of them will quit soon after they join your network. People lose interest, or give up.

Not just here in the PTC world, this happens also in decades-old multi-level marketing businesses like Amway. This is the reality that many people trying to build a multi-level marketing network faces.

Then why are we trying it in the first place?

Because from time to time, we come across those who don’t give up, and who beging building their own network under you. They happen, and they will ultimately give you that freedom that you seek, but not if you give up too early.

In order for this to work, you must also choose the right networks to invest your time into. Choose a network that allows you to build a downline that can go several levels deep (you benefit from the people you invite, and from the people they invite, and so on and on), and one with a rock-solid business model so it doesn’t collapse before you get to reap the benefits. It’s depressing to read the comments of people who invested a lot of time, and money, in a network that just dies.

I have two favourite networks for this: ClixSense (around since 2007, 8 levels of referrals) and EasyHits4U (around since 2003, 6 levels of referrals). ClixSense gives money, EasyHits4U gives a lot of opportunities to promote everything else, including ClixSense, NeoBux and ClickBank products.

ClixSense is awesome, the yearly Premium membership is only $17 and generating that in ClixSense is actually not hard. And I still have the promotion where if you generate that for me I either upgrade your account or extend it for a year.

The reality of getting the referrals

Having awesome referrals is tough, but what about getting them in the first place?

There are many many different approaches to get the referrals: word-of-mouth, family and friends, social networks, traffic exchanges, using the PTC networks themselves to promote other PTC networks, a website, a blog, online courses, e-books, YouTube videos.

This is where the word “conversion” comes into play. So you show an Ad 100 times, and then 1 person that you showed the Ad to joins under you. This is a 1% conversion rate, 1 out of 100. And this is low if you are doing door-to-door selling, but high if you are sharing a landing page to people you don’t know.

If you had a 1% conversion rate, then you would need to show the Ad 10,000 times to get 100 referrals. And sadly, just showing the Ad provided to you by the network that you are promoting will have a much lower conversion rate than 1 out of 100 in some places.

But this doesn’t mean that you can not play with your own approaches to get people to join. EasyHits4U gives you some very easy to use tools to make a Splash page of your own. I am also planing to open up this site to participation of others to promote their own links so long as content of quality is created and shared. And I will share a guide about how to build up your own site easily, and how to make your banners using free software. That is why I haven’t been as active, I am working in a lot of content and it is very very time consuming, but I believe it is worthy if it can help you get ahead.

Fast-growing 1:1 Traffic Exchange

The reality of advertising in the PTC Networks and Traffic Exchanges

There is only one reality: the conversion rates are low if you promote using the same thing that everybody else is using. Once again the conversion rate is, if you show an Ad 100 times, and one person joins/buys the product, then you have a 1% conversion rate, one out of a hundred.

So that idea of “take this page, share this page as it is, and you will get hundres of referrals/sell a huge amount of this product”, that is just not going to happen.

You have a better chance if you create a splash page yourself, or if you create a banner yourself, or if you find a way to promote a service or sell a product that is not the same as many people.

It doesn’t have to be perfect at all, but people will look at something that doesn’t look exactly like what they have been seeing every day for many days. Our brains start filtering such things, only new unseen things bypass those filters.

The reality of Bux sites and rented referrals in NeoBux

Bux sites… stay away from them. They don’t have a sustainable business model, they will collapse after they take your time, and if you made a mistake, also your money. And the rented referrals are not real, they are computer generated to pretend that they are real, you will see them go inactive all at once. I’m sorry, but it is like that.

Then where is this craze coming from? Because there is one Bux site that is actually real: NeoBux.

Online since 2008, it promises you a way to build your finantial freedom through a system of “rented referrals”, and it delivers on it. It’s an old site, with a different approach than all the Bux sites poping up nowadays. NeoBux doesn’t only generate the money through advertising, it has a wide variety of activities to generate the money, and a huge huge user base. And the rented referral system, it is actual people in the network.

But if you start NeoBux with no investment, it’s going to take you a very very very long time to reach your finantial freedom through it. And you will not only have to watch the Ads but maybe do offers, surveys, mini-jobs and play the AdPrize lottery to make it much faster. And you will have to use the rented referrals system, and handle it strategically. The people who is cashing out the thousands of dollars every month have been there for a while and/or invested some serious money on NeoBux.

But, in NeoBux there is a very defined and clear goal that everyone going serious with NeoBux is trying to reach. When you start cashing out big in NeoBux, it isn’t NeoBux giving you free money, it is your reward for the time and the effort that you put into it. It is a reward for your constancy and your strategy.

So what is ultimate the goal in NeoBux?

  • 4,000 rented referrals
  • All 4,000 rented referrals extended for 240 days
  • The Ultimate Golden membership

So unless have a couple of thousands of US dollars to invest, then getting to that point is going to take you years. The time can be reduced by going crazy into the mini-jobs, by also getting direct referrals, by playing every single AdPrize opportunity, by taking advantage of the days where there are extra discounts in referral extensions or membership upgrades.

And if you are thinking “you know what, this isn’t for me, I need the money right now, right at the end of this month”, don’t use your time here, it won’t give you what you need on time, this is something to play for years, until one day you win.


In fact, if you are just starting with nothing, and you expect to build something really large in no time, and succed at it, I would take some lessons from you ^_^

I just like building things from the ground up. I believe one of my strongest qualities is my constancy; that I stick to one idea for a very very long time until I learn all of it’s secrets and make it work. And then I share what I learned so others trying it can save themselves some time not failing where I failed, and not wasting their time where I wasted it.

These networks work and have value because of us using them, if we stop using them, they die in no time. The strong networks care about their members, and reward them properly for their activity. The scams just care about sucking up the time and the money of everyone they can lure into them.

So, happy clicking. New guides and tools are on the way. I will also start a mailing list to offer promotions (some of them involving giving away cash, other replacing all the referrals links in my articles for yours for a period of time), access to the tools, opportunities to participate in this site allowing you to promote your own links in what you share here, critical news of the PTC world, and other ideas. Again, it is a huge amount of work, but I’m getting there. If you wish to subscribe to the mailing list just provide your e-mail below, no e-mail is coming out yet, but they will come when it is ready.

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