How to make money on ClixSense: Tasks

In ClixSense you can perform a multitude of easy tasks to make extra money. It is however one of the most confusing parts of ClixSense when you begin, as you may see only Potential Jobs but not Available Jobs. How do I get access to the Potential Jobs if I have no Available Jobs? There is The Old Way and The New Incoming Way.

Potential Jobs in ClixSense
Potential Jobs in ClixSense

The Old Way

People who pay for Jobs include test questions from time to time, these Jobs are made available to all members. If you don’t have the requirements to be at least level 1, you should check if there are Jobs available when you pass by.

Once you answer 100 test questions, if 70% of the test questions were correctly answered, you become level 1. 80% and you are level 2. 85% and you are level 3.

Lately however, there is a shortage of these test questions so it can take a long time to reach the levels required to access the good tasks. But a new way to reach the levels is on the way.

The New Incoming Way

CrowdFlower is currently working on a new way to reach level 1: An Entrance Exam.

The Entrance Exam will be a series of unpaid tasks that contain only Test Questions, which means that, whether or not Jobs are available, new Contributors will always have an opportunity to increase their Level statistics.

The Entrance Exam will be available in September 2015. This article will be updated once it is available; currently it is being tested.

Entrance Exam
Entrance Exam Coming in September

Here is how the Jobs/Tasks work in ClixSense

ClixSense as well as NeoBux and many other systems have ties with the crowdsourcing service CrowdFlower.

Companies make deals with CrowdFlower, then use it to organize data or other tasks. CrowdFlower makes the tasks available to ClixSense members. Members of ClixSense do the Jobs and get paid within ClixSense.

But some tasks require certain qualifications, either to have a certain precision (given by reaching levels), to be in a certain geographical location, to speak a certain language.

CrowdFlower requires you to sign-in with Facebook, which is what it uses to obtain the data to create you a profile so it knows what Jobs to make available to you.

Jobs for Norway
Jobs per geographical location

Completing 10 tasks can help to fulfil the daily checklist. You need to either complete 10 tasks, complete 5 tasks and an offer/survey, or ignore the tasks completely and complete two offers/surveys.

ClixSense Banner
The opportunity is an exclusive offer the author of this article in PTC Secret when you follow my banner and join ClixSense under my account. You generate that money, I am not keeping it for myself, I am giving it back to you in that way.
The opportunity closes on August 1st, 2015

How to make money on ClixSense: ClixGrid

ClixSense has a little game of chance called “ClixGrid”. Every day you get a few opportunities to play it and win up to USD$10 on it.

ClixGrid at ClixSense
ClixGrid at ClixSense

How do I win in ClixGrid?

ClixGrid is not rigged as games in casinos (online and offline casinos). You will not always win on it, but it comes down to chance: the more you playing it, the more likely it becomes that you will win; and more than once if you play it long enough.

That is all there is to it. There is no strategy, nor figures, nor patterns nor secrets. The more you attempt, the closer you get to win, because of the sheer number of attempts. It all about numbers and probability.

You have to try at least 20 times to fulfil the daily checklist.

ClixSense Banner
The opportunity is an exclusive offer the author of this article in PTC Secret when you follow my banner and join ClixSense under my account. You generate that money, I am not keeping it for myself, I am giving it back to you in that way.
The opportunity closes on August 1st, 2015

How to make money on ClixSense: Paid-to-click ads

ClixSense is a paid-to-click system, this means that you will be shown a series of websites to watch, and for each one you visit you will be paid a certain amount of money.

ClixSense PTC Ads
ClixSense PTC Ads

The amount that you get from this activity is small, the pay for visiting the websites range from USD 0.001 to 0.02, it depends of the promotional package that the advertiser bought.

You have to see at least 6 ads to fulfil the daily checklist, not everybody sees all ads.

ClixSense Banner

Mute that annoying tab in Google Chrome

Have you seen that little speaker icon in the tabs of Google Chrome when audio is coming from them? Did you know that you can turn it into a Mute button so you can silence only that tab? You don’t need to install anything, the functionality is there, you just need to enable it, and here is how. It’s very simple to do.

Chrome Mute

Without further commentary since I already made you come here ^_^

Chrome Mute English

That’s it, enjoy life =)

If you wish you can leave me a Like or something, it will be highly appreciated. If you are using or considering using NeoBux, I recommend you to subscribe, I have been working hard in something to help those who use it and it will come out only for e-mail subscribers.

On this website and the future

There hasn’t been a lot of activity in the website, but it has been because I have been working intensively in what I am going to share.

I want to share value, and not value for me but for you.

I don’t think you are seeing ads because you want to, I think you are doing it because you need the extra cash, and you were enchanted by the promises of easy and fast cash that abound on the Internet.

There is no easy and fast cash if you don’t understand the systems and develop the right mentality

I want to achieve two things with this website:

  • I want to show you how to use the systems optimally
  • I want to help you understand how the key to financial freedom is in your habits

I don’t believe in luck. I believe in statistics and math. Take for instance NeoBux, I know it works, and you can find plenty of strategies to make it work.

How about some serious statistical analysis to find out not what works, but what gets you faster from whatever initial point you are to your target monthly income? The whole roadmap?

I did post tips and a strategy previously, but I didn’t feel that it was much; ultimately, it all comes down to numbers. And NeoBux is just the start, I have so much to publish and do ^_^

I can’t help everyone, I know that. But I’ll do my best to help those really putting up the extra effort. The guides from investing $0 to $100 monthly and from investing $10 to $500 monthly will be shared to e-mail subscribers.

Right now I am beautifying the actual statistical analysis tool I made and trying to make it as simple to use as possible so you can play with it too. You define a “behaviour”, and it simulates the day to day in NeoBux using that behaviour, until it gets you to your desired point. I simulate the rented referrals behaviour based on statistics from me and other users. The actual tool will be made available only to anyone who registers under me in NeoBux.

For me it has been math, math, math. But I am doing it so you don’t have to. Just keep tuned ^_^

Not even the lottery is going to save you if you don’t change your mentality

You feel so desperate right now that you believe that only the lottery could save you. But even if you win it today, a year from now you may find yourself in the exact same spot that you are now, or even worst… However, you may not win it today and find yourself in a different place in a year.


Take a look at what you do when you get paid. How are your spending habits right after you just get paid compared to your spending habits the days before that?

They are different, aren’t they? And I’m not talking about paying services and the food that you need to live, you need that.

I’m talking about those things that you are buying that are not absolutely necessary. You buy too much at the start, and are incredibly conservative in the last days.

Do you think that you are going to act any differently if you win the lottery? It is not impossible, but chances are you will not. Only this time you won’t buy small things in the store after you get paid, you will buy overly expensive things instead! And then, you are done, because there is not a second lottery payment coming after that.

You are not alone, this is the normal behavior in people, and it has a name, the Hedonic Threadmill.

This is the big trap in our lives, and if you don’t understand it, you will NEVER have financial freedom, even if you do win the lottery. But if you understand it and learn to handle it, it doesn’t matter where you are right now, you will reach it.

What is the Hedonic Threadmill in a few words?

You have a certain level of “happiness” and anxiety in your life, and you, unconsciously, try to keep that level.

If you are living paycheck to paycheck, anxious about not having any spare money to do pretty much anything, that is the state that you are unconsciously trying to keep! Of course you want it to be different, of course you want to increase your level of income so you have the spare money. But when you get paid, you actually spend more than you need because you are trying to get back to the same level that you had before the paycheck.

You will want to buy everything. You will experience a very strong urge to possess something that, if it was really a necessity, you would have had it already. And this psychological phenomena does not change with your level of income. If your income doubles now, this urge is going to come and hit you hard.

What the studies have found so far

This “urge” that we experience when we get something good, comes from the same psychological effect that we experience when something goes wrong. When we lose something, it doesn’t matter how important that something is, it may even be both of your legs; psychologically we begin a transformation so we can live with our lose.

What studies have found is that people whose life suffered a massive loss, and people who won the lottery; after one year they are basically in the same level of happiness/anxiety that they had before that happened. And I think I don’t need to tell you all the horror stories surrounding lottery winners. There are endless of those stories that you can find online in a quick search.

You don’t know when a big sum of unexpected money will come into your life. But you can get prepared.

What do I do then?

About every guide and book that you read, and every piece of advice that you get, will say:

Increase your income, keep your same expenses.

Very easy to say, right? But it is actually very hard to accomplish. You are fighting something that you don’t even know that exists, your are being betrayed by your own psychology.

The next time that you get your paycheck and go to the store to buy something, you will feel the urge to buy something beyond what you need. But now, you can identify it, know where that urge it’s coming from, and you can ignore it. It is hard at the start, but eventually, this becomes a habit, and you get used to have spare money in your pocket, and this is the level that you will always try to go back to!

A footnote

Don’t completely deprive yourself from everything, don’t do that, you do need to take care of yourself and live.

But keep in mind that desire is easy to manipulate, and that you live under a barrage of publicity made by marketers who specialize in creating desire in you. You are fighting a tank with a knife here, what you need is a bazooka, and this only comes from learning and creating good habits.

You gain a few cents clicking ads, but that is not where the value is…

Who do you think can get the most value out of a PTC System, you or the person whose page you are seeing? In most cases, the answer is: none.

The most value is for the person(s) who own the network, and for the persons who use it well, but the ones generating the value for both are the ones seeing the ads.

There is only one limited resource in play here, one that can not be recovered, and if you have been reading what I normally write, you know what I am talking about, the value is in…

Money Value


I am not saying don’t see any more ads, I’m not saying that you should just quit every network. Just as it’s not the best idea to quit your job if you have nothing else (trust me, I did it once, that was tough)…

It is not a good idea to change a strategy, however flawed, for no strategy.

But in order to develop your strategy for whichever PTC System you are currently using, first you need to understand the system. You need to know what the rewards on it are, and find a way to use them in the best possible way.

I know this site is too young, there is too much that I would like to share, but, it will come. But don’t wait, don’t be limited, keep reading, keep learning, keep improving.

NeoBux: Is it a scam or not? And if it is not, how do I use it?


NeoBux has been around for more than 7 years as of now, and there are no complains that it doesn’t pay, that should tell you something.

I was taking a look at some articles that claim that NeoBux is a scam. Just because you don’t understand a system and use it in the worst possible way, it doesn’t mean that the system doesn’t work, it just means that it didn’t work for you; probably because your expectations were not satisfied or you didn’t use it right.

In one of the cases I remember (I should have the link somewhere), this guy threw money at NeoBux, and just expected to get that money back, with earnings, the month after. Well, he didn’t get it. He tried it again, and again, and it didn’t work, so he discarded it and wrote a post discouraging everybody from using the system.

I don’t know about you, but I honestly don’t expect to find a system online where I throw money at it, do next to nothing, and gives me back more that I threw at it. You ALWAYS have to do something, no system is sustainable if it is just giving back more than you give to it (unless you are a bank lending money of course).

NeoBux is NOT a Ponzi scheme! There are people who actually pay NeoBux to put ads in front of their users. And you as an user can get paid for seeing them. But NeoBux needs active users, users that continue using the system month after month. How do they achieve that? They reward the active users in the system, and they do it good.

You can achieve something decent in NeoBux, but it takes time, and it takes strategy.

How do I build an income in NeoBux?

I’m glad you asked! Just register in my mailing list, send me some money, and I will send you an e-book with the strategy to make money in NeoBux 😉

Nah, I’m just kidding, although I would do appreciate if you register in NeoBux under me ^_^

You can benefit from having direct referrals, from participating in the other offers in the site, from playing the AdPrize lottery.

But the name of the game is Rented Referrals. That’s were the money is.

To not make this very long, users who have been active in the last 5 days and don’t have an upline, can be “rented” by other users and become their referrals. It has a cost of 0.2 per referral for a month. You can renew them, and you can recycle them (you pay 0.07 and you exchange that referral for a new one). Some referrals will not be very active, some will quit, and some will continue. So, here is a basic strategy, it takes a while, but eventually it can become something.

1. The first pennies

The smaller pack of rented referrals is 3, so you need to click until you save at least $0.60 to rent your first 3 referrals.

Once you have the referrals, if they are active it will not take you too long to make another $0.60. Rent more.

2. Always keep funds to recycle

You have your first rented referrals, but chances are some will not be that good. You can recycle them (exchange them for new ones) for only $0.07. You need a lot of referrals, but active referrals. Give them a little time, if they don’t produce, you can change them. But not overdo-it either.

There is actually a formula to see whether they are worth it not based on their cost and their click rate, I’ll make a nice table and publish it in a subsequent article. You can subscribe to the Newsletter to get updates, or follow the site in either Google+, Facebook or Twitter =)

3. Don’t cash out too fast!

The first cash-out can be as low as USD$2.00, every cash-out increases the minimum by $1, until it reaches a minimum of $10). But, Don’t cash out yet! Keep building, keep accumulating, and specially keep renting.

4. The road to 200 active referrals

The strategy from this point on is:

  • Click on at least 4 ads daily so you get the benefits of your referrals.
  • Recycle inactive referrals, not right away, give them a few days.
  • Rent new referrals when you have the chance.
  • Keep extending the referrals that you already have.

As mentioned, I am organizing more precise data on when and how into nice looking tables, but considering this doesn’t become possible until you already clicked on ads for a couple of days, I think that if you aren’t already in, you could get started.

5. Upgrading to Golden

200 active referrals can already generate something. Once you reach the possibility to do it, upgrade to Golden. Then you get more rewards from your referrals, and the limit of 300 becomes 2,000.

6. Getting 2,000 active referrals, and maybe cashing out

With Golden and 2,000 active referrals than on average click 2.5 ads of the 4 ads a day that count, you are looking at making about USD$50.00 a day, or USD$1,500.00 a month. If you deduct the cost of extending them and the Golden membership, you are still making a pretty good money, you end up generating about USD$33 a day or USD$1,000 a month, those are for you.

Summing up, it takes a while, it does. Specially if you don’t invest anything on it at the start, the initial click-grinding can be quite discouraging. But it is a system that rewards constancy, and it rewards it good.

Some tips before I close this short article:

  • You can get extra points by following the offers.
  • Also AdPrize can help you get there faster, you can win up to USD$10.00 on it.
  • If you have and you are going serious on it, put USD$5.00 on it and skip the initial grinding, rent 20 referrals and keep $1 for recycling inactives, and save yourself a couple of months of the process.

Hopefully you also see why it was not a good idea what the other guy did, put $100 in, rent all the referrals, and expect to cash out big. It’s not a free-money system, it is just a system.

Good and well established PTC Sites to join 2015

The best approach to solve a problem is Trial and Error, but we are in an environment full of lies and deception, an environment where everybody wants to take advantage of you. The number of alternatives is overwhelming and you don’t have the time to try absolutely everything. Here are some alternatives that have been around for a long time, so you can get your Splash page started or another alternative.

PTC Systems


Great site, great community, great system.

EasyHits4U has been around since 2003, I think it passed the test of time. It provides you with good access to a wide and very active community and a variety of ways to advertise: the whole website using your referral link, or banners (Traffic Monsoon also provides for you) or text ads; it also gives you tools such as a Site Rotator or a Splash Page Builder. It also has some gamification features (it can be quite addictive) and contests. It’s simply one of the best.

Some of its features include:

  • Multiple languages. Your ads can be shown to people in specific languages. When you post your ad, you select for which language is targeted. In your profile you can select the languages in which you wish to see ads.
  • A lottery. As you are browsing ads you begin to earn tickets for a daily lottery.
  • Many rewards. You can also win extra credits, impressions, text ads or, of course, money.
  • Free tools. As mentioned, you can create a Splash Page, or use a Site Rotator. Upgraded users can create many of these things.
  • Sweet Premium features. You can target your ads to specific regions of countries, add an unlimited number of pages to promote, and be given random referrals from time to time.

The Most Popular Traffic Exchange


Another extremely popular option. ClixSense has been around for more than 7 years and it is a paying Paid-to-click system. Besides looking at ads, you have other ways to generate some money, such as surveys and tasks, and it has a little game where you can earn prices.

Some features include:

  • Unlimited affiliates
  • Well paying
  • Various Earning opportunities
  • A mini game where you can earn prices

I have also a detailed guide about ClixSense: ClixSense: What it is, How it works, and How to make money on it, and a personal promotion for people joining under me:
ClixSense Banner


A well-established system, with many options to earn money. It has been around more than 6 years.

Some features include:

  • Unlimited Referral Program
  • Multiple ways to earn money
  • Instant Payments


A well-design, well-established gamified system that has been around nearly 9 years.

Some features include:

  • Unlimited referrals
  • Many ways to make money
  • Fun to use, it is gamified, you can earn XP, badges
  • Well designed
  • Paying

paid surveys


A well-established, instant-paying system that has been around for 6 years.

NeoBux is one of the mayor players in the Paid-to-click world, but it takes some strategy if you want to turn it into a money making machine. You may be feel discouraged when you just get started in the system, but with a little bit of patience and learning how to successfully handle the rented referrals system you can generate a decent monthly amount of money.

NeoBux: Is it a scam or not? And if it is not, how do I use it?

Some features include:

  • Mini jobs.
  • Opportunity to earn prices.
  • Referral system
  • It pays, and it pays instantly.

Many are doing this in Traffic Monsoon; this is why you shouldn’t do it

The situation with Traffic Monsoon has changed recently, so I am forced to release a Serious scam warning against Traffic Monsoon

Traffic Monsoon is quite popular these days. The system works well and while it can generate an income for you, the best that you can get from it is exposure. But if you do what I’m about to say, you may as well not get any credits at all, because you are throwing them away by doing this!

Traffic Monsoon
Traffic Monsoon’s header


Don’t promote one of the pages that Traffic Monsoon gives you!

The only people who is going to see your link to sign up into Traffic Monsoon, is the people who already signed up to Traffic Monsoon!

What can you do then?

Open an account in a secondary PTC site. Then, you can use the clicks in one site to promote the other site. Of course it is not a money making machine and it takes many people viewing it to have somebody signing up under you. But, there is a chance if you do this; however, if you promote Traffic Monsoon in Traffic Monsoon, there is none.

Here are two sites that I like that have a system relatively similar to Traffic Monsoon: you see ads, you gain credits, then you can promote. One is a well established one, the other a more unknown one. I’ll start with the well established one:


Great site, great community, great system.

EasyHits4U has been around since 2003, I think it passed the test of time. It provides you with good access to a wide and very active community and a variety of ways to advertise: advertise the whole website using your referral link, or advertise with banners (Traffic Monsoon provides you with this) or use text ads; it also gives you tools such as a Site Rotator or a Splash Page Builder. It also has some gamification features (it can be quite addictive) and contests. It’s simply one of the best.

Some of its features include:

  • Multiple languages. Your ads can be shown to people in specific languages. When you post your ad, you select for which language is targeted. In your profile you can select the languages in which you wish to see ads.
  • A lottery. As you are browsing ads you begin to earn tickets for a daily lottery.
  • Many rewards. You can also win extra credits, impressions, text ads or, of course, money.
  • Free tools. As mentioned, you can create a Splash Page, or use a Site Rotator. Upgraded users can create many of these things.
  • Geographical targeting On top of selecting the language, you can also choose the country where your ads will be shown. Premium members can even choose the region of that country.

The Most Popular Traffic Exchange


Great site full of resources ready for you to use.

It is not as old as the previous site, but it is quite good. You will find that it is just as easy to use, and it is as easy to reach people. The best thing, it is full of resources, information and tools.

Some features include:

  • Gamification features. Badges, points. It is part of the clicktrackprofit network, of which I’ll speak later, quite extensively, just keep tuned, feel free to join our Newsletter 😉
  • An active community. You can participate in the chat as you surf.
  • A site rotator.

Are you ready to get serious?

Then don’t stop here: Join multiple PTC Systems, and then Create a Site Rotator or Create a Splash Page, and promote it in Traffic Monsoon!