Finantial Freedom: What it is, what it means, and how to use PTC to achieve it

Many people thinks that a lot of money comes first, and financial freedom comes after. But that is not the way it works, if it were, we would have lots of happy histories of lottery winners and not a lot of tragedies. Financial freedom comes first, the lots of money comes after. Only when you …

The Unrealistic Expectations that will ruin your PTC experience

There is a lot of money circulating around the Paid-to-Click (PTC) world, and on top of it, the opportunity to sell a wide variety of products in the networks without you having to sell them face to face. But that idea that most people is trying to sell you: that you can just sit, click …

The Social Network that Facebook doesn’t want you to find

The reality is that Facebook is ranking in billions in Ad revenue thanks to you. But you know this: you and your time are Facebook‘s product, you are what they sell to their partners, do you realize how much value you have? But of course, it shares none of the profit with you, not a single cent. …

Before your economy collapses…

It is known that I fell very low, economically speaking. For me it was normal to go a couple of days with no food, to pass cold, and there was only a barely functional laptop that I actually rescued because it was deemed too slow (it was), but that is not a story for this …

Wake up to the reality of making money Online

I want you to understand something, and the faster you understand it, the better for you: No one has ever build a system where the primary objective is that YOU make money. But there is one more thing to understand: YOU are the value of the Systems Online. They Need You to make money. And …

Not even the lottery is going to save you if you don’t change your mentality

You feel so desperate right now that you believe that only the lottery could save you. But even if you win it today, a year from now you may find yourself in the exact same spot that you are now, or even worst… However, you may not win it today and find yourself in a …

You gain a few cents clicking ads, but that is not where the value is…

Who do you think can get the most value out of a PTC System, you or the person whose page you are seeing? In most cases, the answer is: none. The most value is for the person(s) who own the network, and for the persons who use it well, but the ones generating the value …

Don’t confuse Money with Wealth

You may not have a lot of money right now: your pocket may be empty, your finances may be in negative numbers. But you have wealth, and is taken away all the time. And the reality for most of us is: We give it away. How does rich people become rich? They don’t accumulate money, they …